Building the Europe we want

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 978-92-830-2828-4
EC QE-02-15-552-EN-N
Content Type ,

'Building the Europe We Want' (June 2015) is the Report of a Study by Stakeholder Forum for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and its Sustainable Development Observatory(SDO) on how best to engage different stakeholders in the implementation, monitoring and review of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the EU level.

The study reviews existing stakeholder engagement arrangements on sustainable development issues at the UN, in three European countries (Finland, Germany and the UK with Wales) and at the European level itself. It analyses how stakeholder engagement processes have helped to advance sustainable development at each level, and identifies best practice lessons for handling such engagement creatively and productively.

Building on this analysis the study recommends that the EESC/SDO should now seek to establish a wider open and inclusive alliance or Sustainability Forum of European stakeholders concerned with sustainable development in all its aspects to engage with all aspects of the implementation of the SDGs.

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