Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Belgium

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date 2018
ISBN 978-92-76-08336-8
EC DS-02-19-437-EN-N
Content Type


The present document presents a civil society monitoring report of the Belgian strategy for Roma inclusion, focused on four central themes: housing, employment, healthcare and education. While the need for an integrated approach is also generally acknowledged in Belgian politics, it is clear that two policy approaches coexist: mainstreamed and targeted.

In Wallonia (French speaking Belgium), the inclusion of minorities generally takes place in wider policies and measures connected to socio-economic poverty and exclusion. Integration policies are presented as inclusive, and hence built on the idea that “a poor person is a poor person”. Flanders, on the other hand, has developed separate policies and action plans targeting the Roma and Traveller minorities specifically.

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