Communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2020) 625
Publication Date 30/09/2020
Content Type


Communication published by the European Commission on 30 September 2020, setting out a strategy aimed at achieving the European Education Area by 2025.

Further information:

The objective of a European Education Area by 2025 was first set out by the President of the European Commission in her Political Guidelines. The importance of skills and education has also been highlighted by the Strategic Agenda for 2019-2024. In November 2019, the Council of the European Union adopted a resolution on further developing the European Education Area.

This Communication sets out the means and milestones to achieve the European Education Area by 2025, supported by Europe's Recovery Plan (NextGenerationEU) and the Erasmus+ Programme. In addition, it proposes a framework for cooperation with Member States and engagement with education stakeholders, including a reporting and analysis structure, with agreed education targets, to encourage and track reforms. Efforts to establish the European Education Area are to work in synergy with the European Skills Agenda, the renewed Vocational Education and Training policy and the European Research Area.

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Alternative sources
Related Links
European Commission: European Education Area
EUR-Lex: SWD(2020)212: Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication
European Commission: Press Release, 30/09/2020: Achieving a European Education Area by 2025 and resetting education and training for the digital age

Subject Categories
International Organisations
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