Conclusions on Oceans and Seas

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 19/11/2019
Content Type


The Council of the European Union adopted in November 2019 a set of conclusions relating to oceans and seas.

Further information:

These conclusions highlight that climate change is a direct and existential threat to life in oceans and seas globally, and call for increased policy action at all levels of government to protect marine and coastal ecosystems.

The Council also notes with great concern the warming of European regional seas at a higher pace than average. The conclusions underline the importance of:

  • sustainably using marine resources;
  • a sustainable blue economy, and the role of the economic sectors related to oceans, seas and coasts;
  • enhanced coordination in maritime security;
  • protecting the Arctic and the outermost regions and overseas countries and territories;
  • reducing marine litter;
  • ensuring healthy and resilient oceans;
  • protecting the biodiversity of vulnerable marine and coastal ecosystems;
  • strengthening research and ocean science.
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Related Links
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 19/11/2019: Oceans and seas threatened by climate change: Council adopts conclusions

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