Cooperation between European Capitals of Culture and Cultural Cities of East Asia

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Publication Date 08/02/2018
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The world is witnessing a paradigm shift, a disruptive era where predictions about the future and the global balance of power cannot be based on historical precedent nor on common sense. What is predictable are the growing global consequences of climate change - droughts, water and food scarcity, poverty, tensions and conflicts, mass migrations. Further, to the effects of climate change are the fast-growing opportunities and challenges caused by technological advances - a whole new global paradigm shift is emerging that requires new tools and mind-sets. These challenges cannot be met by nationalism, protectionism, radicalism or wars, but by global cooperation and global solutions. More than ever, incentives are needed to foster intercultural and international dialogue across continents and to build trust and understanding through cultural diplomacy and cultural and relations.

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International Organisations
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