Author (Corporate) | NIS Cooperation Group (NIS CG) |
Series Details | Number 1 |
Publication Date | 2020 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
Summary: The objectives of this toolbox are to identify a possible common set of measures which are able to mitigate the main cybersecurity risks of 5G networks, and to provide guidance for the selection of measures which should be prioritised in mitigation plans at national and at Union level. It does this in order to create a robust framework of measures with a view to ensure an adequate level of cybersecurity of 5G networks across the EU and coordinated approaches among Member States. The EU coordinated risk assessment report provided the basis to identify mitigation measures that can be applied at national and European level. A Communication was published by the European Commission on the implementation of this common toolbox. |
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Subject Categories | Security and Defence |
Subject Tags | Cybersecurity | Cyber-security, Telecommunications |
Keywords | 5G Networks |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |