EUISS Chaillot Paper No. 141 (March 2017)

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details Number 141
Publication Date March 2017
ISBN 978-92-9198-613-2
ISSN 1683-4917
EC QN-AA-17-002-EN-N
Content Type

Defence industries in Arab states: players and strategies


This Chaillot Paper analyses how Arab states strive to achieve strategic, economic and symbolic goals through indigenous armaments production, with some countries in the region showing a new determination to become more self-reliant technologically as well as operationally in this domain.

The paper focuses in particular on how efforts undertaken by Arab states to develop national defence technological and industrial bases (DTIBs) entail new relationships with defence suppliers whereby Arab states that were formerly customers are evolving into arms manufacturers in their own right – a phenomenon that also marks a shifting strategic balance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Table of Contents:

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Ch 1 | Doing badly better? Why previous attempts failed
  • Ch 2 | Post-Cold War proliferation
  • Ch 3 | Egypt: the assembler
  • Ch 4 | Saudi Arabia: the box-ticker
  • Ch 5 | United Arab Emirates: the up-and-comer
  • Ch 6 | Keeping it in the Arab family
  • Conclusion: those who can, will
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