“Deliberative Supranationalism” revisited

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details No. 20, 2006
Publication Date 2006
ISSN 1725-6739
Content Type

Legal and political science cannot merge, but they should, at the very least, “listen to each other”. This working paper is a further step in an ongoing interdisciplinary cooperation which seeks to make sense out of Louis Henkin’s famous admonition. This co-operation had begun with a research project on the European comitology system in 1995 and the publication, inter alia, of two articles on deliberative supranationalism in 1997. The present article is an effort to get?/go beyond the scope of our original analyses and to explore the potential of our guiding ideas at a more general level of integration research. In Part I of this paper, Jürgen Neyer summarises strands of normative and positive political theory on which deliberative approaches to international and European governance can build. These approaches not only support coherence, social acceptance and normative recognition, they also have in important potential for the design of empirical studies. They seem to be pa...

Source Link Link to Main Source http://cadmus.iue.it/dspace/bitstream/1814/6251/1/LAW-2006-20.pdf
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions
Record URL https://www.europeansources.info/record/?p=338626