EC state aid law. Liber Amicorum in honour of Francisco Santaolalla

Series Title
Series Details Vol.36
Publication Date 2008
ISBN 978-90-411-2774-7
Content Type

An important contribution to the debate on EC state aid, this book captures the direct knowledge and experience of twenty-six current and former Commission state aid litigators, offering detailed ‘insider’ analysis of EC state aid court cases, as well as related internal legal issues, between 1994 and 2008.

The book brings together both legal and economic analysis, with detailed reflections on aspects of both substantive legal rules and procedural law. It also offers, over and above the specific interest of the contributions it contains, invaluable insights into the working methods of the Commission Legal Service.

This collaborative work was conceived and realized by its authors as a mark of recognition, and a gesture of respect and friendship, for Francisco Santaolalla, on the occasion of his retirement from the Commission after fourteen years’ service as Director of the state aid team.

Among the many legal and economic forces affecting state aid litigation, the authors focus on such factors as the following:

- exports
- private investment
- role of economic analysis
- ecotaxes
- privatization
- remedies
- existing aid
- third parties
- actions against State aid decisions
- national court decisions
- fiscal discipline
- WTO subsidies law.

In illuminating the underlying issues, and describing how they are handled by the Commission Legal Service, the authors shed light on the likely future development of state aid law. The book will be of particular interest to antitrust practitioners as well as academics.

1. The Limited Role of the ‘Refined Economic Approach’ in Achieving the Objectives of State Aid Control: Time for Some Realism - José L. Buendia Sierra and Ben Smulders
2. Economic Analysis and State Aid Law: The Questions Lawyers Need to Ask - Paul Nemitz
3. Quelques aspects institutionnels du droit des aides d’Etat - Vittorio Di Bucci
4. State Resources and PreussenElektra: When is a State Aid not a State Aid? - Hubert van Vliet
5. Pier Pressure: The Sad End of a Victorian Masterpiece? - James Flett
6. The Private Market Investor Principle: Reality Check or Distorting Mirror? - Nicolas Khan and Klaus-Dieter Borchardt
7. La sélectivité régionale - Carlos Urraca Caviedes
8. La procédure de contrôle des aides d’État peut-elle être utilisée pour contrôler la bonne application d’autres dispositions de droit communautaire? - Christophe Giolito
9. Export Aid and EC State Aid Control - Bernd Martenczuk
10. Finding the Right Balance: State Aid and Services of General Economic Interest - José L. Buendia Sierra
11. An Ecotax under the State Aid Spotlight: The UK Aggregates Levy - James Flett and Katerina Walkerova
12. Privatisations et déréglementations en droit communautaire - Aantonio Abate
13. Godot is Here: Recovery as an Effective State Aid Remedy - Elisabetta Righini
14. The EC Rules Concerning Existing Aid: Substantive and Procedural Aspects - Guiseppe Conte
15. The Temporal Application of State Aid Rules - Vittorio di Bucci and Agnieszka Stobiecka-Kuik
16. Third Parties in State Aid Control: More than Just a Source of Information? - Michael Niejahr and Tibor Scharf
17. Some Thoughts on the Jurisprudence of European Courts Concerning the Admissibility of Actions against State Aid Decisions - Viktor Kreuschitz
18. Quelques considérations sur le rôle du juge national dans le contrôle des aides d´Etat - Jean-Paul Keppenne and Kilian Gross
19. La fiscalité façonnée par la discipline des aides d’Etat - Dimitris Triantafyllou
20. L’application de la discipline des aides d’Etat: la quête judiciaire d’un nouveau graal - Gérard Rozet and Bruno Stromsky
21. The Relationship between WTO Subsidies Law and EC State Aid Law - James Flett (et al.)

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