Eurojust Annual Report 2015

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date January 2016
ISBN 978-92-9490-074-6
ISSN 2443-6518
EC QP-AA-16-001-EN-N
Content Type


The year 2015 was no exception. Eurojust’s casework continues to grow each year. Member States requested Eurojust’s assistance in 2 214 cases, representing an increase of 23 per cent compared to 2014. These statistics confirm that Eurojust’s work is needed, recognised and valued. The growing involvement of third States in Eurojust’s casework demonstrates once more the borderless nature of crime.

We also see a remarkable upward trend in the use of Eurojust’s coordination meetings and coordination centres. The concept of joint investigation teams is also becoming more familiar to third States, and an increasing involvement of third States in such teams with Eurojust’s support is noticeable.


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