Europe and the great powers: playing our Trump cards

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Series Details No.84 (March 2017)
Publication Date 04/04/2017
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When the transatlantic alliance works, it benefits Europe’s interests enormously. But with the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, friendships have become strategic and enmities among the great powers increased. This brief sees president Trump's unpredictability as worrisome, and argues that we should define our collective interests, through the EU, and assess with who of the other three great powers (Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping) we can partner to further which interests, flexibly and in full autonomy, even when the transatlantic alliance (pace Trump) remains a cornerstone of our strategy. Indeed, that the EU was not a strategic actor anymore, and would thus benefit from a reduced dependence on the US.

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ESO: Background information: NATO, Russia, Merkel, Brexit: Trump unleashes broadsides on Europe / European leaders react to Trump bombshells

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