Europe recast. A history of European Union (Second Edition)

Author (Person)
Series Title
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-1-62637-249-8
Content Type


Thoroughly revised to reflect a decade of recent history — and incorporating newly available archival material and the latest scholarship — Europe Recast tells the story of European integration from its modern origins in the 1940s to the challenges of today. The book is an essential guide to unraveling the complexity of the EU system in the context of modern European history.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  1. Finding a Way Forward
  2. Europe of the Communities
  3. Constructing the European Community
  4. Setbacks and Struggles
  5. Variable Weather
  6. Transformation
  7. Achieving European Union
  8. The Triumphs and Tribulations of European Union
  9. The Limits of European Union
  10. Conclusion
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International Organisations
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