Europe’s Border Crisis: Biopolitical Security and Beyond

Author (Person)
Publication Date 01/10/2015
ISBN 9780198747024
Content Type

The European Union (EU) Commission champions a ‘migrant-centred’ approach to border security and ‘irregular’ migration management: it claims not only to observe human rights, but also to use surveillance to enhance the humanitarian protection of ‘endangered’ lives on land and sea. Yet, research presented by non-governmental organizations and ‘irregular’ migrants’ own testimonies reveal systemic border violence, dehumanization in spaces of detention, and exposure to death via abandonment in hostile environments.

This book turns to conceptual resources found in biopolitical theory in order to move diagnoses of EUrope’s border crisis beyond that of a ‘gap’ between the policy ‘rhetoric’ of humanitarianism and the ‘reality’ of ‘irregular’ migrants’ embodied experiences. It argues that both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ dimensions of EU border security are symptomatic of tensions within biopolitical techniques of government and what Roberto Esposito refers to as the paradigm of immunization. While bordering practices are designed to play a defensive role, they contain the potential for excessive and often lethal security mechanisms that end up threatening the very values and lives they purport to protect. Each chapter draws on a different biopolitical key to identify and interrogate diverse technologies of power at a range of border sites. Must border security always result in dehumanization and death? Are humanitarian discourses sufficient for critiquing contemporary forms of border violence? Is a more affirmative approach to border politics possible? The book addresses these pressing questions and advances new research agendas for critical border and migration studies beyond existing debates about ‘control’ versus ‘escape’.

Table of Contents

1 Borders, Crises, Critique
2 Biopolitical Borders
3 Thanatopolitical Borders
4 Zoopolitical Borders
5 Immunitary Borders
6 Affirmative Borders

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