Federal Leap or Political Unions?

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Series Title
Series Details June 2012
Publication Date June 2012
Content Type

The on-going evolution of the eurozone crisis has elicited healthy calls for a boost to European integration which often crystallise around the concept of a 'federal leap'. Yves Bertoncini tries to clarify the terms of this debate, in a Notre Europe’s viewpoint identifying four main issues:

1 - A 'European Federation of Nation States' based on a specific social and political contract

2 - Adjusting the share out of competences between the EU and its member states

3 - The issue of European government and of recourse to differentiation

4 - The need to rise to the democratic challenges at the national and Community levels

Competences, government, democracy: those are the three main issues in a European 'roadmap' which must not be purely economic and social, but must also be political and institutional – and they are also the ingredients of the political jolts, as daring as it is reasonable, which the EU so sorely needs.

Source Link http://www.notre-europe.eu/uploads/tx_publication/FederalLeap_NEviewpoint_June2012.pdf
Related Links
La Repubblica, 31.8.12: A federal Europe may be a pipe dream (via PressEurop) http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/2613931-federal-europe-may-be-pipe-dream
ESO: Background information: Germany's competing visions of Europe http://www.europeansources.info/record/germanys-competing-visions-of-europe/
ESO: Background information: Draghi: 'United States of Europe' not necessary to save the euro http://www.europeansources.info/record/draghi-united-states-of-europe-not-necessary-to-save-the-euro/
BBC News, 27.8.12: Why is Europe avoiding the F-word? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19366150

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Countries / Regions
Record URL https://www.europeansources.info/record/?p=459002