Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe. An Assessment of Trends, Players and Action

Author (Person) , ,
Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date May 2022
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The report provides a comprehensive assessment of environmental crimes in the European Union (EU-27), from multiple perspectives: types of crimes, trends and estimated impact, structure of enforcement and other players involved, obstacles to effective action and recent political and technological developments. The report includes individual country fiches dedicated to the EU-27 member states and to Europol, Eurojust and Frontex.

This report is the result of more than two years of data collection, interviews and analysis, for which the authors have developed and applied an original methodology to confront the scarcity of available information on the topic of environmental crimes in Europe. This work lays the foundations for a new, comprehensive approach to environmental crimes, which considers them not as a fragmented mosaic of different issues and players, but as a complex phenomenon requiring common and coherent action.

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