Foreign ministries in the European Union. Integrating diplomats

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Publication Date 2002
ISBN 1-4039-0359-X
Content Type

Book abstract:

This book presents a timely review of the role of foreign ministries in the new context of globalisation and supranational organisations. It pays particular attention to the changed role of foreign ministries within the increasingly integrated EU. The new challenges posed by that integration lie in the responsibility to co-ordinate sectoral ministries' affairs for EU business and also to participate in the CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy). This latter aspect is addressed in chapter two. The work then proceeds over the next thirteen chapters to examine the position within specific Member States. The conclusion maintains that the process is an evolving one where foreign ministries operate at three levels - the European project, the adaptation demanded by external pressures of globalisation and regionalism, and the nature of the foreign ministry itself.
The book will interest students and academics engaged in the fields of European Studies and International Affairs.
Brian Hocking is Professor of International Relations at Coventry University.
David Spence is Special Advisor to the European Commission for European Security and Defence Policy and Counter-Terrorism.

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