Governing Europe’s spaces. European Union re-imagined

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Series Title
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 978-0-7190-9185-8
Content Type


Introduction: Governing Europe's spaces: European Union re-imagined - Caitríona Carter, Richard Freeman and Martin Lawn

Part I: Spaces Revisited
1. Performing Europe: backstage versus frontstage politics in the European Parliament - Ruth Wodak
2. Interpreting Europe: mainstreaming gender in Directorate-General for Research, European Commission - Rosalind Cavaghan

Part II: Spaces Reconciled
3. Modelling Europe: the political work of impact assessment - Diego de la Hoz del Hoyo
4. Referencing Europe: usages of Europe in national identity projects - Jenny Ozga and Farah Dubois-Shaik

Part III: Spaces Revealed
5. Consulting to Europe: knowledge agents and the building of Europe - Bruce Ross
6. Measuring Europe: making sense of Europe through data and statistics - Sotiria Grek and Martin Lawn
7. Depoliticising Europe: collective private action and sustainable Europe - Caitríona Carter

What do we imagine when we imagine Europe and the European Union? To what extent is our understanding of the EU - of its development, its policies and its working processes - shaped by unacknowledged assumptions about what Europe really is?

This book constructs a case for re-imagining Europe - not as an entity in Brussels or a series of fixed relations - but as a simultaneously real and imagined space of action which exists to the extent that Europeans and others act in and on it. This Europe is constantly being made in particular spaces, through specific actor struggles, whose interconnections are often ill-defined. We ask how do those concerned with building Europe, with extending and elaborating the EU, think of where they are and what they are doing?

The book captures Europeans in the process of making Europe: of performing, interpreting, modelling, referencing, consulting, measuring and de-politicising Europe.

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