Implications of the referendum on EU membership for the UK’s role in the world

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2015-16)HC545
Publication Date 26/04/2016
Content Type ,

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons published a report on the 26 April 2016 representing the full spectrum of opinion on the question of the UK’s continuing membership of the European Union.

There were five members declared for 'Leave' and five for 'Remain'. The Chair’s position was currently undeclared.

However, all the members of the Committee had been struck by the desire from the public for an unbiased analysis. By producing a unanimous report, the Committee was able to meet this need. The objective of the report, was to inform the public before their decision on the 23 June 2016.

The report encouraged voters to consider the long-term consequences of the Referendum decision, regardless of whether the UK stays or leaves, for:

+ the UK’s trading relationship with the rest of the EU
+ the UK’s trading relationship with the rest of the world
+ the UK’s international representation and reputation
+ how the EU and the EU’s external policies might develop

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Related Links
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
UK: Parliament: Parliamentary Business: News, 26.04.16: Committee unanimously agrees EU referendum analysis
Blog: UK in a Changing Europe, 06.05.16: The UK’s place in the world and EU membership
Blog: UK in a Changing Europe, 06.05.16: Why a Brexit would weaken Britain’s power and influence in the world

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