Job carving and job crafting – A review of practices

Author (Person) , ,
Author (Corporate)
Publication Date May 2019
ISBN 978-92-76-08750-2
EC KE-01-19-557-EN-N
Content Type


Job carving and job crafting can be effective strategies to overcome the challenges of labour market (re)integration of people facing barriers and to keep workers employed by creating meaningful and productive employment. This paper was produced as an output of the ESF Employment Thematic Network, a network of the European Social Fund (ESF) Transnational Platform (on behalf of AEIDL) by order of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. It aims to raise awareness and promote job carving and job crafting activities within the EU. It provides insights into current actions of ESF Managing Authorities and their partner organisations that aim to provide holistic support to employers, employees and unemployed people during job carving and/or job crafting activities. Promising practices applied within the EU are presented and recommendations drawn for future activities within the ESF. Examples include the need for guidance and mainstreaming of the approach within EU Member States as a promising European Social Fund theme.

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