Many Europes: Towards a multidisciplinary and sociohistorical perspective

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details Vol.14, No.4, July 2016, p391–397
Publication Date July 2016
ISSN 1472-4790
Content Type


Many Europes embodies a commitment to expanding multidisciplinary analyses of contemporary European politics. The essays in this collection are not united by a core set of methods or disciplinary debates. Rather our collective intent is to proliferate knowledge on the organization and practice of political and sociocultural power in contemporary Europe. The contributors accomplish this by posing novel questions and answering these through innovative forms of inductive research. This special issue is decidedly not concerned with improving or building upon the explanatory accounts in the mainstream EU Studies. In contrast, it advocates for more robust historical, ontological and global readings of European transformations. We conclude by arguing that Many Europes also offers a path to reinvigorating older modes of comparative inquiry that would help in contextualizing an increasingly complex and hybrid Europe.

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