Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan: Problems and Perspectives

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Volume 21, Number 2, Pages 185-203
Publication Date 2016
ISSN 1384-6299
Content Type


This article examines the development of the European Union-Kazakhstan partnership by discussing the provisions of:

(a) the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 23, 1995 that currently serves as the legal foundation of the EU-Kazakhstan relations;

(b) the enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement that was initialed on January 20, 2015 and will eventually replace the PCA; and

(c) a number of other legal instruments that govern the collaboration between the EU and Kazakhstan. The author demonstrates the main achievements of the EU-Kazakhstan partnership and analyzes the major problems related to the advancement of the EU-Kazakhstan political dialogue and economic partnership (and in particular in the field of energy and transport).

Finally, the author argues that the EU-Kazakhstan partnership can develop to the full extent of its potential provided that the EU and post-Soviet countries would be committed to the idea of creating a Wider Europe, i.e., a distinct region based on common values and shared interests.

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Countries / Regions
International Organisations
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