Policy paper. Proposals for further devolution of powers to Scottish Parliament

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 13/10/2014
Content Type ,

On 19 September 2014 the Smith Commission, chaired by Lord Smith of Kelvin, was established as a fully independent body to facilitate talks on the devolution of further powers to the Scottish Parliament. The Smith Commission will publish its Heads of Agreement in November 2014. In parallel, the UK Government had agreed to:

+ set out the range of proposals that have been made on further devolution

+ provide secretariat support to the parties’ discussions and to wider consultation on those proposals

+ respond to the Smith Commission’s Heads of Agreement. The UK Government’s response will take the shape of draft legislative proposals accompanied by an explanatory text in January 2015. These will form the basis of a Scotland Bill to be brought forward by the next UK Government in the new Parliament

On the 13 October 2014 the UK Government published a Command Paper (Cm 8946) which fulfilled the first of those commitments by setting out the published proposals by the 3 main UK political parties that have already been put forward for further devolution to Scotland within the framework of Scotland staying within the union

[Note that the previous week the Scottish Government had put forward its own separate proposals - see related url hyperlinks].

Source Link Link to Main Source https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proposals-for-further-devolution-of-powers-to-scottish-parliament
Related Links
ESO: Scottish independence referendum, 2014 http://www.europeansources.info/record/scottish-independence-referendum-2014/
ESO: Background information: Find all further information in ESO on the Scottish referendum 2014 http://www.europeansources.info/advSearchLink?keyword=scotland%202014%20referendum%20&searchOption=all
ESO: Background information: The Scotland Act 2012: devolution of tax powers to the Scottish Parliament http://www.europeansources.info/record/the-scotland-act-2012-devolution-of-tax-powers-to-the-scottish-parliament-commons-library-standard-note/
The Guardian, 12.10.14: David Cameron ‘playing fast and loose’ with constitution, says Gordon Brown http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/oct/12/david-cameron-fast-and-loose-constitution-gordon-brown
ESO: Background information: More Powers for the Scottish Parliament: Scottish Government Proposals http://www.europeansources.info/record/more-powers-for-the-scottish-parliament-scottish-government-proposals/
BBC News, 13.10.14: Scottish devolution 'command paper' published http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29592742

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