Programming document 2017-20

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date March 2017
ISBN 978-92-896-2417-6
ISSN 2529-4253
EC TI-AR-17-001-EN-N
Content Type


Cedefop, the EU agency supporting development and implementation of vocational education and training (VET) policy, is a tripartite agency steered by governments, employers and employee representatives as well as the European Commission.

From 2017 Cedefop launched a new Programming document comprising sections on multiannual programming (2017-2020) and a specific Work Programme for 2017.

The programming document described Cedefop’s activities in 2017-20. It outlined how the Centre would allocate its human and financial resources to its core business, its communication activities and administration, including information on performance measurement and tables reflecting multi-annual staff and budget planning.

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