Proposal for a Joint Employment Report

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2020) 744
Publication Date 18/11/2020
Content Type


Proposal of a Joint Employment Report, published by the European Commission on 18 November 2020 as part of the Autumn Package of the 2021 European Semester.

Further information:

The Joint Employment Report provides an annual overview of key employment and social developments in the European Union (EU) as well as Member States’ reform actions, in line with the latest Guidelines for the Employment Policies of the Member State. The report follows the structure of the Guidelines: boosting the demand for labour (Guideline 5), enhancing labour supply and improving access to employment, skills and competences (Guideline 6), enhancing the functioning of labour markets and the effectiveness of social dialogue (Guideline 7), and promoting equal opportunities for all, fostering social inclusion and fighting poverty (Guideline 8).

In addition, the Joint Employment Report monitors Member States’ performance in relation to the Social Scoreboard set up in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). It identifies principles and rights in three areas: i) equal opportunities and access to the labour market, ii) fair working conditions, and iii) social protection and inclusion. Monitoring of progress in these areas is underpinned by a detailed analysis of the Social Scoreboard accompanying the Pillar.

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