Author (Person) | Jones, Erik, van der Bijl, Niels |
Publisher | Centre for European Policy Studies [CEPS] |
Series Title | CEPS Working Document |
Series Details | No.192, March 2003 |
Publication Date | March 2003 |
ISBN | 92-9079-425-9 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog, Report |
Abstract: Popular support for enlargement of the European Union is a function of how close or how far removed the Member States are from the candidate countries. In the absence of country fixed effects or special bilateral relationships (e.g. adjacency, historic rivalry, religious conformity), we can explain approximately 14% of the variation in attitudes across Member States and with regard to specific candidate countries using factors related to trade, distance, and relative economic size and structure. Taking special bilateral relations into account we can explain approximately 30%. Once country fixed effects are incorporated, the level of explanation increases to 80%. From Source URL click on 'CEPS Working Documents'. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Record URL | |