Radicalisation in prisons: Council adopts conclusions

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 06/06/2019


The Council of the European Union adopted on 6 June 2019 a set of conclusions on preventing and combatting radicalisation in prisons, and on dealing with terrorist and violent extremist offenders after release.

Further information:

The Council highlighted the importance and urgency of effective measures in this area, given the risk posed by the growing number of terrorist offenders and offenders radicalised while in prison, and the fact that a number of them would be released in the following two years.

The Council invited Member States to do more to develop specialised interventions for dealing with terrorist and violent extremist offenders, as well as with those in risk of being radicalised while in prison. The Council also invited the European Commission to continue to facilitate the exchange of information and good practises, as well as to support the work of third countries and partners, especially from neighbouring regions, to prevent radicalisation in prisons.

Source Link https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2019/06/06/radicalisation-in-prisons-council-adopts-conclusions/
Related Links
Council Conclusions on preventing and combating radicalisation in prisons and on dealing with terrorist and violent extremist offenders after release https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-9366-2019-INIT/en/pdf

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