Relations between Uruguay and the European Union

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date -2017
Content Type


Overview of the bilateral relations between Uruguay and the European Union (EU).

Further information:

The European Union and Uruguay signed the Framework Cooperation Agreement in 1992 to promote bilateral relations with the aim of increasing cooperation with regard to trade, finance and technology, among other things. The agreement sets up regular meetings through Joint Committees for the purposes of sharing information and discussing topics of interest. The EU created a strategic plan for humanitarian aid for Uruguay through the disaster preparedness programme. Through its humanitarian aid, the European Commission not only provides assistance in emergencies, but also seeks to ensure that advance preparation is in place for the risk of natural disasters.

Alongside the improvement of bilateral economic and trade relations throughout the years, the two sides have also engaged in the framework of the relations between the European Union and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur).

Related Links
EU EEAS: Relations between the European Union (EU) and Uruguay
European Commission: DG Trade: Policy: Countries and regions: Uruguay
EU EEAS: Delegation of the European Union to Uruguay

BBC News: Uruguay Country Profile

Subject Tags
Countries / Regions
International Organisations
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