Special issue: Free movement and non-discrimination in an unequal Union

Series Title
Series Details Volume 25, Number 10
Publication Date October 2018
ISSN 1350-1763 (print) | 1466-4429 (online)
Content Type


The European Union’s fundamental principles of free movement of persons and non-discrimination have long challenged the traditional closure of the welfare state. Whereas the relationship between the EU and the welfare state appeared largely reconciled before the grand enlargement of 2004, economic downturn and politicisation question the nexus anew.

This collection explores the current dynamics, scope and limits of free movement and welfare equal treatment for EU citizens on the move. The different contributions bring together the normative, legal and political developments and about-turns which dynamically square the circle of pan-European social solidarity.

The collection covers the new politics of EU cross-border welfare but also the structuring role of the European Court of Justice. It includes the political economy of free movement as well as its outputs and outcomes in selected member states. Finally, it analyses the mechanisms that activate attitudinal polarisation on intra-EU migration and welfare.


Free movement and equal treatment in an unequal Union
Susanne K. Schmidt, Michael Blauberger, Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen

Balancing the rights and duties of European and national citizens: a demoicratic approach
Richard Bellamy, Joseph Lacey

ECJ judges read the morning papers. Explaining the turnaround of European citizenship jurisprudence
Michael Blauberger, Anita Heindlmaier, Dion Kramer, Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen, Jessica Sampson Thierry, Angelika Schenk, Benjamin Werner

Has the Court changed, or have the cases? The deservingness of litigants as an element in Court of Justice citizenship adjudication
Gareth Davies

Worker mobility under attack? Explaining labour market chauvinism in the EU
Maurizio Ferrera, Alessandro Pellegata

Institutional contexts of political conflicts around free movement in the European Union: a theoretical analysis
Martin Ruhs, Joakim Palme

Responding to free movement: quarantining mobile Union citizens in European welfare states
Dion Kramer, Jessica Sampson Thierry, Franca van Hooren

Failing on the social dimension: judicial law-making and student mobility in the EU
Angelika Schenk, Susanne K. Schmidt

Source Link https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjpp20/25/10
Subject Categories
International Organisations
Record URL https://www.europeansources.info/record/?p=515113