Special Issue: Ten Years of EMU: What Have We Learned in Political Science?

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details Vol.16, No.4, June 2009, p489-653
Publication Date June 2009
ISSN 1350-1763
Content Type


EMU's teenage challenge: what have we learned and can we predict from political science? - Henrik Enderlein and Amy Verdun

EMU and political union: what, if anything, have we learned from the euro's first decade? - Dermot Hodson

On consensus, constraint and choice: economic and monetary integration and Europe's welfare states - H. Tolga Bolukbasi

EMU's diverging micro foundations: a study of governments' preferences and the sustainability of EMU - Tal Sadeh

Economic interests and public support for the euro - Susan A. Banducci, Jeffrey A. Karp and Peter H. Loedel

EMU: the last stand for the policy convergence hypothesis? -David H. Bearce

Wage inflation and labour unions in EMU - Alison Johnston and Bob Hancké

Political science and the ‘Cinderellas’ of economic and monetary union: payment services and clearing and settlement - Lucia Quaglia

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Countries / Regions
Record URL https://www.europeansources.info/record/?p=432259