Support Mechanisms for Evidence-based Policy-Making in Education

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date January 2017
ISBN 978-92-9492-429-2
EC EC-01-17-003-EN-N
Content Type

Having a solid evidence base is essential for effective policy-making in the education sector. In practice the mechanisms used to support evidence-based policy-making differ significantly between countries.

This report describes the mechanisms and practices that support evidence-based policy-making in the education sector in Europe. It provides an initial mapping of a complex area. It compares institutions and practices in evidence-based policy-making, as well as the accessibility, and mediation, of evidence. The report also presents more detailed information, with specific examples of the use of evidence in policy formulation for each individual country.

Source Link
Related Links
EURYDICE: Publications: Key Data on Education in Europe 2012
European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2017. Support Mechanisms for Evidence-based Policy- Making in Education. Eurydice Report

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions