Technical Indexes, April 1998

Author (Person)
Series Title
Publication Date April 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Technical Indexes are also developing a web version of their EU legal CD ROM, European Law. Due to appear towards the summer, they are working to ensure that the interface and search functionality match the CD ROM version before releasing it. Meanwhile the next update of the CD ROM will revert to a two disk product. However, the core data which will include the treaties, secondary legislation and case law together with the Spicers Centre for Europe database and background material will be produced on one disk and that will be available separately at a reduced rate. Plans are also afoot to include the Landmarks directory The European Public Affairs Directory. For further information contact:

Technical Indexes
Willoughby Road
Berkshire RG12 8DW
Tel: +44-(0)1344-426311
Fax: +44-(0)1344-424971

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