The ACP-EU Courier | Number 16 (March-April 2010)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details Number 16
Publication Date April 2010
ISSN 1784-682X
Content Type


This issue of the ACP-Eu Courier magazine includes the following items:

  • Editorial
  • Profile
    • Mabousso Thiam, Director of the Centre for the Development of Enterprise
    • Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
  • To The Point
    • Karima Delli, young activist and member of the European Parliament
  • Round Up
  • Dossier
    • Youth
      • Should Youth move up the development agenda?
        • A future at the end of a lens
        • Destroyed dreams in Haiti
        • Former child soldiers: the strength to survive
        • Tavalea Nilon, current 'Miss Samoa': A beautiful mind
        • The world is in your hands
        • Creating one's own sesame
  • Civil Society on the Move
    • Amnesty International: "Health is a fundamental right"
    • Civil Society in Haiti:
      • To the heart of solutions, with the barest minimum of resources
  • Trade
    • Lake Tanganyika: a hub for trade
  • Discovering Europe
    • Tyrol (Austria)
      • The Austrian Tyrol: Right in the centre, yet completely separate
      • One of Europes more stable economies:
        • Interview with Eugen Sprenger, Acting Mayor of Innsbruck
        • 'South Wind' and 'Light for the World' fight aid cutbacks
      • Innsbruck: where the shadows shine more than the light
      • Tyrol's Soul
      • Tyroleans of African origin: the 'white wolves'
  • Zoom
    • 'SAN' or the universal man by Vincent Mantsoe
  • Our Planet
    • New moves to stamp out the ivory trade
    • No tuna fishing ban just yet
  • Interaction
    • Cotonou revision rises to MDG challenge
    • EU action on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
    • What next for ACP trade?
    • Haiti and the Dominican Republic@ a time for reconciliation
    • Belgium backs small business in Africa
    • New EU impetus for MDGs
    • New ACP Water Facility launched
    • The Success of
  • Report
    • South Africa
      • South Africa: An extraordinary laboratory
      • From the Khoisan to the Rainbow Nation
      • South Africa is of strategic importance to Europe:
        • Interview with Lodewijk Briet, Eu Ambassador to South Africa
        • A democracy that is opening up to the opposition
        • Opposition politics in South Africa are changing slowly but surely
      • Land of Hope
      • Future soccer champions are train in Alexandra
      • The 'Black Diamonds'
      • From dust to gold
      • HIV/AIDS: Responsible cooperation
      • Rehabilitating rural areas
      • Climate negotiations move south
  • Creativity
    • Marie Ndiaye: A powerful woman
    • The Khatarsis Project in Cape Verde
    • Africa Pret-a-porter
    • HIFA 2010: Harare INternational Fine Art
    • Focus on African Comics at the Quai Branly Museum
  • For Young Readers
    • Competition for young ACP photographers
  • Your Say/Calendar
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