The capital of Europe. Architecture and urban planning for the European Union

Author (Person)
Series Title
Publication Date 2004
ISBN 0-275-97874-5
Content Type


This book goes beyond the widely discussed 'Federal Europe' question to consider the planning and building of a capital for Europe. Organised in two parts, 'Imagining Built Europe' and 'Building Europe's Image', the book examines the issue of European headquarters cities.

Following an introduction, part one opens with chapter two which traces the history of European and international unions from before the formation of the European Communities in the 1950s and the planning and creation of European headquarters. Chapter three examines several idealistic projects conceived by individuals, city governments, and other organisations for the housing of headquarters of the first European communities such as ECSC, EEC, and Euratom. The more pragmatic proposals for European headquarters which embrace the concept of a European district are explored in chapter four. Part two addresses the position as it has developed through the decisions in the 1950s, considered temporary at the time, to locate various institutions in separate cities. So we have the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, and the European Commission and European Council in Brussels - with subsidiary elements of all three scattered amongst these three cities. Chapters five to seven explore the differences between each of the three cities and the impact of the 'temporary' decisions on each city's approach to developing as a European capital. A fulsome conclusion explores several avenues for development of a European capital along the polycentric and networked capital theme.

The work will interest those engaged in urban planning, city development and European Union enlargement.

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