The coming role of Asia

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.1, February 2010
Publication Date February 2010
ISSN 0255-3813
Content Type

A series of features:

China and the West: keyboard conflicts?
Both the West and China complain of increasing cyber attacks. Here we look at how both sides are beefing up their defences.

China and climate change: in the eye of the storm?
How serious is China about tackling climate change? Is its industrial development or environmental action more important? This video looks into at both sides of China's position.

Photostory: Asian security developments in pictures
Nuclear missile tests, massive military parades and many more: some Asian security developments lend themselves to a telling picture. Here are some of the best.

China’s economy: its greatest weapon or weak point?
David Snowdon of Business Monitor International looks at how China's increasing economic activity is inextricably linked to its security outlook.

Asia, NATO and its partners: complicated relationships?
Many of NATO's new partners come from in or around Asia. Michito Tsuruoka looks into how each side views the arrangement - and how they both benefit.

The burden of a landslide victory: a new Japan?
Did the end of over 50 years of Liberal Democratic Party rule last year mark the birth of a new Japan? Birgit Huetten assesses how much change the country will really see.

Central Asia: where power, politics and economics collide
Despite other Asian regions often dominating headlines, there is now an growing interest in Central Asian countries' increasingly important resources, location and allegiances.

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