Author (Person) | Tokarski, Paweł, Toporowski, Patryk |
Publisher | Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) |
Series Title | PISM Policy Papers |
Series Details | No. 26, March 2012 |
Publication Date | March 2012 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
The times are hardly auspicious for making tough decisions about the future of the European Union’s finances. European integration is under stress in the light of the potentially debilitating debt crisis which threatens the long-term viability of the eurozone. In addition, the negotiations over the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)—an arduous, seemingly routine process, with scant possibilities for bold moves and widespread awareness about the limits of the eventual compromise, yet extremely prone to politicization—have become even more protracted as new actors, most notably the European Parliament, seek to gain additional prominence. Still, the process will be largely driven by the biggest net contributors to the EU budget, namely Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Transparency could thus be a decisive feature of the negotiating process, allowing less influential Member States to hedge against the proposals undermining the solidarity which underpins the EU budget. Still, as the authors conclude, the outlook is rather pessimistic for the EU, as the stalemate hampers a more effective application of the MFF to tackle economic challenges. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe |
Record URL | |