The June 17 Elections in Greece: Domestic and European Implications

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Series Details No. 31, June 2012
Publication Date June 2012
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The author analyses the background of the recent parliamentary elections in Greece, and lists the key challenges facing the new government under Antonis Samaras. Greek authorities will have to perform a tough balancing act while trying to come up with a strategy to address four major problems. First, Greek economy has to start generating growth again. Second, Greece and its international partners need to renegotiate the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding that set out the conditions for external support for Greek reforms. Third, the cabinet under Samaras will have to navigate the troubled waters of domestic politics, fending off criticism from populist parties. Finally, Greece’s image has been tarnished in the recent months, hence the new government must work hard to restore the country’s credibility in Europe and in the wider world. Crucially, external actors, especially fellow members of the EU, have both the assets and the interest in boosting Samaras’ credibility, both domestically and internationally.

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