The legal reasoning of the Court of Justice: a response to Michal Bobek

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Vol.39, No.4, August 2014, p579-581
Publication Date August 2014
ISSN 0307-5400
Content Type

Publishers Abstract:
Responds to an article by Michal Bobek, 'Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice of the EU', E.L. Rev. 2014, 39(3), 418-428, reviewing the author's book on the European Court of Justice's judicial methods. Discusses Bobek's suggestion that the book sees differences between the European Court of Justice and national courts as system-dependent and objectively unwarranted, his approach to when integrationism exceeds its judicial legitimacy, and his view that specific cases cannot be accommodated within the book's heuristic legal reasoning.

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