Why Lord Hill’s role as EC finance commissioner is a poisoned chalice for Cameron

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Series Details 18.09.14
Publication Date 18/09/2014
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Despite his appointment being considered a coup for UK Prime Minister David Cameron by many, the reality is that Jonathan Hill must balance serving two masters and his new job may actually be a poisoned chalice for the UK government. As a UK-nominated commissioner, he will be expected to strive to protect the interests of the City of London and the leading global position of the UK financial services sector.

But, in fact, his role is to work towards improving the oversight, supervision and regulation of the EU banking sector, which continues to be shored-up following the 2008 financial crisis.

There are three pressing economic and political challenges that Hill is tasked with tackling: the banker bonus cap, regulation of the shadow banking sector and a proposed financial transactions tax. Many of these policies are well on their way to completion and so Hill – and Cameron – risk being tarnished by their association with the implementation of tighter regulation.

Source Link Link to Main Source http://theconversation.com/why-lord-hills-role-as-ec-finance-commissioner-is-a-poisoned-chalice-for-cameron-31794
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ESO: Background information: The Juncker Commission: A strong and experienced team standing for change http://www.europeansources.info/record/press-release-the-juncker-commission-a-strong-and-experienced-team-standing-for-change/
EurActiv, 23.09.14: Analyst: MEPs rejecting Hill is tantamount to ‘nuclear option’ http://www.euractiv.com/sections/eu-elections-2014/analyst-meps-rejecting-hill-tantamount-nuclear-option-308626
European Parliament: New Commission: Hearings: Jonathan Hill http://www.elections2014.eu/en/new-commission/hearing/20140918HEA65205
BBC News, 18.09.14: Questions raised over British candidate for EU job http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29251219
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ESO: Background information: UK set to challenge EU cap on bankers' bonuses http://www.europeansources.info/record/uk-set-to-challenge-eu-cap-on-bankers-bonuses/
Blog: LSE EuroppBlog, 30.09.14: Did the possibility of a Brexit influence the shape of the new Commission? http://bit.ly/1rGehAZ
Open Europe: Flash Analysis, 10.09.14: A win for the UK as Lord Hill secures financial services brief in new look European Commission http://www.openeurope.org.uk/Article/Page/en/LIVE?id=20559&page=FlashAnalysis
UNK Parliament: House of Commons: European Scrutiny Committee: Report: Oral evidence: UK’s Commissioner-elect, Lord Hill, 29 October 2014 http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/european-scrutiny-committee/uks-commissionerelect/oral/14989.html

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