Communication on a New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2020) 609
Publication Date 23/09/2020
Content Type


Communication published by the European Commission on 23 September 2020, setting out a fresh strategy for the European Union (EU) to address challenges relating to migration and asylum.

Further information:

The 2015 migration crisis revealed a number of shortcomings in the framework used by the European Union to manage a situation which affected different Member States in different ways. Since then, while some Member States face the challenge of external border management, others cope with large-scale arrivals by land or sea, or overpopulated reception centres, and other face high numbers of unauthorised movements of migrants.

The need for a new, durable European framework became visible. A revision of such framework became essential to manage the interdependence between Member States' policies and decisions and to offer a proper response to the opportunities and challenges in normal times, in situation of pressure and in crisis situations. The New Pact recognises that no Member States should shoulder a disproportionate responsibility and that all Member States should contribute to solidarity on a constant basis.

It provides a comprehensive approach, bringing together policy in the areas of migration, asylum, integration and border management. It recognises that the overall effectiveness depends on progress on all fronts. It aims to create faster, seamless migration processes and stronger governance of migration and border policies, supported by modern IT systems and more effective agencies. It aims to reduce unsafe and irregular routes and promote sustainable and safe legal pathways for those in need of protection. It reflects the reality that most migrants come to the EU through legal channels, which should be better matched to EU labour market needs. It is hoped it fosters trust in EU policies by closing the existing implementation gap. This common response also needs to include the EU's relationship with third countries.

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum was put forward alongside a package of legislative initiatives. This Communication also includes a roadmap to implement the strategy. This Pact was among the initiatives announced by the President of the European Commission in her Political Guidelines.

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Alternative sources
Related Links
European Commission: New Pact on Migration and Asylum - A fresh start on migration in Europe
UN IOM: EU Regional Office: Publications, August 2020: IOM Views on the Roadmap for the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum
UNHCR: Press Release, 22/09/2020: UNHCR and IOM call for a truly common and principled approach to European migration and asylum policies
European Commission: Press Release, 23/09/2020: A fresh start on migration: Building confidence and striking a new balance between responsibility and solidarity
European Commission: Q&A, 23/09/2020: New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Questions and Answers
European Commission: Q&A, 23/09/2020: New Pact on Migration and Asylum - Building on the progress made since 2016: Questions and Answers
European Commission: Press statement by President von der Leyen on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (23 September 2020)
European Commission: Speech by Vice-President Schinas on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (23 September 2020)
European Commission: Speech by Commissioner Johansson on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (23 September 2020)
UNICEF: Press Release, 23/09/2020: Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore on the European Commission’s proposed Pact on Migration and Asylum
S&D Group: Newsroom, 13/11/2020: S&Ds demand new Migration Pact based on solidarity and debate based on the facts
EPP: Papers, 07/12/2020: A window of opportunity: the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum
Polish Government: The New Pact on Migration and Asylum - a common position of V4 countries, Estonia and Slovenia (18 December 2020)
Portuguese Council Presidency: News, 13/03/2021: Pact on Migration and Asylum: Presidency committed to bringing Member States even closer together

Euronews, 23/09/2020: EU migration pact: New policy aims to increase member state contributions
The Guardian, 23/09/2020: EU’s migration proposals draw anger on left and leave questions unanswered
Deutsche Welle, 23/09/2020: EU plans tougher controls in migration policy overhaul
Kathimerini, 23/09/2020: Commission presents new migration plan for EU
RTÉ News, 23/09/2020: EU Commission to overhaul migration policy
Reuters, 23/09/2020: EU must rise to challenge on migration, EU Commission chief says
Politico, 23/09/2020: Von der Leyen seeks to bridge chasm on migration
BBC News, 24/09/2020: Europe migration: EU plans mandatory pact to 'rebuild trust'
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Reuters, 20/03/2021: Europe's south calls for more solidarity in new EU migration pact
The Guardian, 21/03/2021: EU's southern states step up calls for 'solidarity' in managing mass migration
EUObserver, 22/03/2021: Deadlock looms on EU's new asylum pact
EurActiv, 12/05/2021: Commissioner acknowledges ‘slow progress’ on migration pact

Commentary and Analysis
Heinrich Böll Foundation: Dossier: The New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum
IAI: Commentary (No. 20/64), 22/09/2020: The European Commission's Mission to Reform EU Migration Policy: Will Member States Play Ball?
Statewatch, 23/09/2020: EU: The new "pact" on migration and asylum - documentation, context and reactions
EUObserver, 23/09/2020: Time to fix Europe's broken migration and asylum system
Amnesty International: Press Release, 23/09/2020: EU: Migration Pact is not a fresh start but a false start
Politico, 23/09/2020: 5 things to know about Brussels’ new migration plan
Euronews, 24/09/2020: What is the EU's new migration pact and how has it been received?
Deutsche Welle, 24/09/2020: Opinion: EU migration pact is victory for the nationalists
EurActiv, 24/09/2020: Member states to clash over the EU’s new migration pact
IPS Journal, 25/09/2020: New pact, old problems
Euro|topics, September 2020: New EU asylum pact: the right response to Moria?
EUObserver, 28/09/2020: Between the lines, Europe's new Moria unfolds
Oxford University: Faculty of Law: Border Criminologies Blog, 30/09/2020: New Pact on Migration: An Exacerbation of Past Failures in Shiny New Packaging
German Institute for International and Security Affairs: SWP Comment (No 46), October 2020: The New EU Migration and Asylum Package: Breakthrough or Admission of Defeat?
Chatham House: Expert Comment, 26/10/2020: Why the EU’s Migration and Asylum Plan is Flawed
Statewatch, 06/11/2020: EU: Tracking the Pact: Presidency placing heavy emphasis on externalisation, deportations, border controls
Robert Schuman Foundation: European Issues No 577, 16/11/2020: Understanding the new pact on migration and asylum
GMFUS: Blog, 24/11/2020: The EU’s Unbalanced New Pact on Migration and Asylum
EU Law Analysis, 30/11/2020: The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Turning European Union Territory into a non-Territory
Caritas Europe: Position Paper, 09/12/2020: Analysis of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum
IAI: Commentary, 10/12/2020: The EU's Pact on Migration and Asylum: A Tsunami of Papers but Little Waves of Change
EU Migration Law Blog, 15/12/2020: The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: What it is not and what it could have been
University of London: SAS Refugee Law Initiative: Blog, 05/01/2021: The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Human Rights challenges to border procedures
LSE: EUROPP Blog, 06/01/2021: The EU’s Pact on Migration and Asylum will do little to ease the pressure on southern member states
ETUC: ETUC Statement on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (adopted on 9 February 2021)
EPRS: Policy Podcast, 12/05/2021: The external dimension of the new pact on migration and asylum: A focus on prevention and readmission
European Papers: European Forum, 18/05/2021: The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Supporting or Constraining Rights of Vulnerable Groups?
Social Europe, 10/06/2021: EU migration and asylum pact abandons compassion and human rights
Heinrich Böll Foundation: Analysis, 16/06/2021: Old wine in new bottles? Monitoring the debate on the New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum
EPRS: Study, August 2021: The European Commission’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Horizontal substitute impact assessment

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