Eleventh progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2017) 608 final (18.10.17)
Publication Date 18/10/2017
Content Type ,

Background and further information:

This is the eleventh monthly report on the progress made towards building a Security Union and covers developments under two main pillars: tackling terrorism and organised crime and the means that support them; and strengthening our defences and building resilience against those threats.

In this report, the European Commission sets out a package of anti-terrorism measures to be undertahen in the following sixteen months. It includes measures dangerous substances; measures to cut off access to the means used by terrorists to prepare and carry out attacks such as dangerous substances or terrorist financing; the next steps on countering radicalisation; the next steps on strengthening the external dimension of counter-terrorism.

Previous reports:
+ First progress report, October 2016
+ Second progress report, November 2016
+ Third progress report, December 2016
+ Fourth progress report, January 2017
+ Fifth progress report, March 2017
+ Sixth progress report, April 2017
+ Seventh progress report, May 2017
+ Eighth progress report, June 2017
+ Ninth progress report, July 2017
+ Tenth progress report, September 2017

The 11th progress report on the development of an effective Security Union was published on 18 October 2017 by the European Commission.

Source Link Link to Main Source http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM:2017:608:FIN
Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: IP/17/3947, 18.10.17: Security Union: Commission presents new measures to better protect EU citizens http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-17-3947_en.htm

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